Teen interest is a documentary series that follows the lives of a new Teen interest is a documentary series that follows the lives of a new young teen each week with an unusual hobby, interest or passion. Our aim over the course of this series is to make the world more aware of some of the more obscure things that the youth of today are endeavouring into. For example, a life with Horse riding, stamp collecting, competitive Rubik's cube solving and puppeteering. These are just a few. These young talents deserve more exposure for their talents that that is what we wish to provide in this series of short documentaries. We get a close eye into their lives and get to see them up-close in action doing what they do best. We also get an exclusive interview with family and friends to get a second view on life with a subject of the video and their extraordinary hobby
Presented by TEEN INTEREST
We would LOVE to see the puppets you make using this tutorial. Share the puppets you make with the hashtag #teeninterest and we might feature it on our fan art wall